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Monday, January 25, 2021

y12 Homework on GPE and KE

Gravitational Potential Energy & Kinetic Energy

acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 ms-2

1.       A car has a mass of 750 kg. Calculate its kinetic energy at the following velocities
          (a) 10 ms-1  (b) 15 ms-1  (c) 20 ms-1  (d) 30 ms-1  (e) 35 ms-1  {NB 1 ms-1  = 2 m p h}

v (ms-1)

3.750 X 10 +04
8.438 X 10 +04
1.500 X 10 +05
3.375 X 10 +05
4.594 X 10 +05

2.         (a) A car has a mass of 1000 kg. Calculate its KE at a velocity of 25 ms-1  .
 3.125 x 105 J

          (b) A train has a mass of 37 tonnes {1 tonne = 1000 kg}. If it also has a velocity of 25        ms-1  what is its  kinetic energy ?
1.156 x 107 J

3.       A woman has a mass of 65 kg.What is her GPE at the top of a 12 metre diving board ?
7651.8 J
to 3 sig figs 7650 J

4.         A cat has a mass of 6 kg. What is its GPE at the top of a tree that is 4.2 m above the        ground ?            247.212 J

5.       The Eiffel Tower is 300 m high. What is the GPE of a 100 g bird perched on the top of it ?
            ( = 01Kg)  294.3 J

6.       The Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops to the Greeks) is 146 m high. It is made of stones of     mass 250 t. What is the GPE of the topmost stone ?
            3.58 x 108J    (m = 2.5 x 105 kg)

7.       The Empire State Building is 449 m high(but this includes a 68 m TV mast).What is the    GPE of a ball of mass 400 g at the top of the building (not the TV mast) ? If the ball is   dropped over the side what will happen to the GPE ? What will be its speed at the instant           before it hits the ground ? (Ignoring air resistance)
            GPE = 1495 J
            Ignoring air resistance GPE= KE             mgh=1/2 mv2           m cancels v2 = 2gh
            So v = √2gh = √2 x 9.81(449 -68)      = 86.5 ms-1

8.       Olympus Mons is a volcano on Mars. It is 25 km high. What would be the GPE of a          human of mass 50 kg on its summit ? (surface gravity = 0.38 that of Earth) Compare this    with the same human standing on the summit of Everest 8534 m high.
            Olympus mons GPE = mgh = 50 (9.81 x 0.38) 25 000m = 4.66 x 106 J
Mt Everest = 4.19 x 106 J (Mars is much smaller than the Earth, a 30Km high mountain would collapse in the Earth’s gravitational field.

9.       The space shuttle has a mass of 80 t. Escape velocity (the velocity an object has to travel     at in order to escape the earth's gravitational field) is 11 km/s. What is its KE at this     speed? If all this KE is turned into GPE how high would it be ? What assumption do you    have to make in your calculation. 
            KE = 4.84 x 1012 J = GPE = mgh so h = KE/mg = 6.16 x 106 m
Assuming g is constant at 9.81. g decreases as a function of 1/r2. r = distance from the centre of the earth. When this is taken into account the height is ∞

How much energy would it take to accelerate the space shuttle to light speed (300 000 kms-1  ). {This is not possible, also the equation you will use to calculate KE is not valid near the speed of light but it will do for this purpose}
3.6 x1021 J

A nuclear power station produces around 500 MW
(500 000 000 J per second). How long would 100 power stations take to produce this amount of energy?

100 power stations 5 x 109 Js-1

Time to produce energy to accelerate space shuttle = 3.6 x1021 J / 5 x 109 Js-1 = 7.2 x 1011 s
22832 years (NB same amout of energy required to slow down when you get there)

How feasible is travelling close to the speed of light?

The nearest star is about 4 light years away. How long would it take the space shuttle to get there at 11 kms-1  (22 000 mph)? {1 light year is the distance light will travel in 1 year}
How feasible is interstellar travel?
Distance = 4 (3x108 ms-1) (365d x24 hr x 60 min x 60s) = 3.78432x 1016 m
Time = distance/ velocity = 3.78432x 1016 m / 11 000 ms-1 = 3.44029x1012 s = 109091 years
About 10 times longer than human civilisation!