6732 Unit Test PHY2
1. Resistance of lamps
V2/R OR I = 60/12 = (5 A) 1
R=(12 V x 12 V) /60 W 1
R =2.4ohm 1 total 3
Resistance variation
Lamp A: resistance of A decreases with current increase 1
Lamp B: resistance of B increases with current increase 1
Dim filament
Lamps are dim because p.d. across each bulb is less than 12 V 1
Why filament of lamp A is brighter
Bulbs have the same current 1
p.d. across A > p.d. across B/resistance A> Resistance B 1
power in A > power in B 2
total 8
2 Table
Physical Quantity - Typical value
Resistance of a voltmeter -10 M ohm
Internal resistance of a car battery - 0.05 ohm
Internal resistance of an EHT supply -10 M ohm
Resistivity of an insulator - 2.0 x 1015 ohm m
Drift velocity of electrons in a metallic conductor - 0.3 mm s-1
Temperature of a working filament bulb - 3000 K
[Mark is lost if 2 or more values are put into one box] total 6
3. Current in heating element
P= VI 1
I = 500 W / 230 V 1
I = 2.2 A 1
P=V2/R 1
R= 230 x 230/105.8 1
I = 2.2A 1
Drift velocity
Drift velocity greater in the thinner wire 1
Quality of written communication. 1
See I = nAQv 1
is the same (at all points) 1
(probably) n (and Q) is the same in both wires 1 total 8
4 Resistance of films
R= pl/A 1
R = pl/wt or A = wt 1
Resistance calculation
R = (6.0 x 10-5) (8 x 10-3 m) / (3 x 10-3m) (0.001 x 10-3 m) 1+1
(Correct substitution but values in mm 1)
R= 160 ohm 1 ecf if in mm
Resistance of square film
L=w 1
R= pl/lt=p/t 1
R= pw/wt=p/t 1
Total 7
5. Definition of specific heat capacity
energy (needed) 1
(per) unit mass/kg and per unit temperature change K or C 1
Correct formula [does not need to be rearranged] 1
with correctly defined symbols 1
Circuit diagrams (see end)
Accept voltmeter across heater and ammeter as well as voltmeter across heater only
Means of varying p.d./current 1
Voltmeter in parallel with a resistor symbol 1
Ammeter in series with any representionof a heater. 1
Other apparatus
(Top pan) balance / scales 1
Stopwatch / timer / clock 1
Energy/heat loss to surroundings/air/bench 1
Mc delta T +delta,Q = VIt or equivalent in words (e.g. student ignores energy loss in calculations) 1
Any two from
Use of insulation around block
Ensure all of heater is within block
Grease heater/thermometer
Total 10
Specific Heat Capacity Calculation
C = delta Q/ m delta T = (860 x 103)/ (1.4 kg) (750 – 22) = 844 (J kg –1 K-1)
Conversion of kJ to J 1
Subtraction of temp 1
Answer 1
Energy transfers diagram
Label 2 (energy to) (warm) water (and trough) 1
Label 3 (energy used to) evaporate water / cause evaporation/latent heat/change of state 1
Total 5
Gas equation
PV = nRT [Accept symbols or words] 1
Molar gas constant unit
R= PV/nT
P – kgm-1 s 1
V – m3 T– K n – mol all three for 1
Kinetic energy of molecule
Nm =M
density = Nm
Show that
Kinetic energy =m
Sketch graph
PV on y axis Temperature/’C on x axis
[accept axes reversed and correct graph] 1
Straight line graph with negative intercept 1
Gradient R 1
Intercept at – 273 ’C 1
[All these marks can be scored on graph)
total 10
8. Definition of e.m.f. of a cell
work/energy (conversion) per unit charge 1
for the whole circuit / refer to total energy 1
Work/energy per unit charge 1
converted from chemical to electrical (energy) 1
E = W/Q for whole circuit 1
All symbols defined 1
E = P/I for whole circuit 1
All symbols defined 1
[Terminal p.d, when no current drawn scores 1 mark only] 2 max
Circuit diagram
See top
R 1
A in series 1
R (can be variable) 1 A and V correct 1 V as shown
Or across R+ A
Or across battery
[2nd mark is consequent on R(fixed, variable )or lamp]
Sketch graph
See top
Graph correctly drawn with axes appropriately labelled and consistent with the circuit drawn 1
Intercept on R axes equivalent to( – )r and Gradient equivalent to ( – )r [Gradient mark consequent on graph mark] 1
[Gradient may be indicated on graph]
Grade boundaries
A 41 B 37 C 33 D 26 E 25